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Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 9 theo từng chủ đề

Học sinh lớp 9 tải về làm, mỗi tuần 2 topic, cô sẽ sắp xếp thời gian tổ chức học online để chữa cho các bạn. Thời gian cô sẽ báo qua tin nhắn C2biengiang
I. The simple present tense: (Thì hiện tại đơn)
 1.  The form: (cấu trúc)
- “To be”: am / is / are      
(+)  I + am
       She/ He/ It + is
       We/ You/ They + are
(-)  I  am not
      She/ He/ It + is not (isn’t)
      We/ You/ They + are not (aren’t)
(?)  Am I ?
      Is she/ he/ it ?
      Are we/ you/ they?
- Ordinary verbs: ( động từ thường)
(+)   I / We/ You/ They  + V…
        She/ He/ It  +  V(s, es) …
(-)    I/ We/ You/ They + don’t  + V(infinitive without ‘to’) …
        She/ He/ It + doesn’t  + V(infinitive without ‘to’)
(?)   Do  +  I/ we/ you/ they  +  V(infinitive without ‘to’) …?
       Does  + she/ he/ it + V(infinitive without ‘to’) … ?
2. The usage: ( Cách sử dụng)
- Được dùng để diễn tả hành động sự việc được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần, thói quen hoặc sở thích.
Ex: She never comes late
                  She writes to her mother twice a month
                They like drinking coffee.
- Được dùng để diễn tả  một sự thật hiển nhiên
Ex: The earth moves around the Sun
                  Water boils at 1000C
- Để diễn tả thời gian biểu, lịch trình, dự đoán,…….
Ex: The train leaves at 9.00
3. Notes: (Chú ý)
           * The recognition: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết) Có một số từ và cụm từ như:        
- always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ occasionally/ seldom….
Every day/ week/ month….,once a week, twice a year…
            * Cách thêm ‘s, es’
                        - Thêm ‘es’ vào sau các động từ kết thúc: o, ch, sh, s, x.
                        - Thêm ‘s’ vào sau các động từ còn lại
            * Cách đọc khi thêm ‘e, es’
                                    - Đọc là /iz/ khi động từ kết thúc là: ch, sh, s, x
                                    - Đọc là /s/ khi động từ kết thúc là: k, p, t
                                    - Đọc là /z/ với các động từ còn lại.
Exercise: Give the correct verb form with the simple present
1. Water ( boil ) at 100 0 C.
2. Nam usually ( get ) up at 6.00 ?
3. What you often ( have ) for lunch ?
4. She’ very clever. She ( speak ) 4 languages.
5. Steve ( smoke ) ten cigarettes a day.
6. An insect ( have ) six legs.
7. She often ( visit ) you at weekend ?
8. Mary ( wash ) her teeth twice a day.
9. You often ( watch ) film in the evening ?
10. Mary ( swim ) very well ?
11. She ( not/like ) watching T.V.
12. She ( get ) at 6. o’clock, and ( go ) to school at 7 o’clock.
13. He ( not/ usually/ drive ) to work. He usually ( walk ).
14. Kangaroo ( see ) everywhere in Australia.
15. My father ( drink ) coffee every morning.
16. At Christmas, people often ( decorate ) a tree.
17. It ( not rain ) in the dry season.
18. Nam often ( visit ) you on Sunday ?               - No. He ( visit ) me on Saturday
19. What time she ( finish ) work every day ?     - She ( finish ) it at 16.00
20. My mother ( take ) Jim to the dentist many times.
21. My little sister ( drink ) milk every day.
22. Long ( like ) tennis ?     - No.  He ( like ) badminton.
23. The Earth ( move ) around the Sun
24. The Sun ( rise ) in the East and ( set ) in the West
25. What you often ( do ) in your free time?
II. The present progressive tense: ( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn )
1. The form: (cấu trúc  )                       
(+)  I  + am  + V-ing…
We/ You/ They  + are  + V-ing…
He/ She/ It  +  is + V-ing…
(-)  I  + am not + V-ing…
We/ You/ They  + are not ( aren’t)  + V-ing…
He/ She/ It  +  is not (isn’t)  +  V-ing…
(?)  Am  + I  + V-ing …?
Are  + we/ you/ they   +  V-ing …?
Is  + she/ he/ it   +  V-ing …?
2. The usage: (Cách sử dụng)
a/ Được sử dụng để diễn tả hành động hoặc sự việc đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói hoặc xung quanh thời điểm nói
Ex: They are watching TV at the moment
I am writing a novel now.
b/ Diễn tả kế hoạch sắp làm hoặc sự thay đổi trong tương lai.
            Ex: We are having a party next Sunday.
c/ Diễn tả sự phàn nàn với “always”
            Ex: He is always talking on the phone.
3. Notes: (Chú ý )
* The recognition: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết) Có một số từ và cụm từ như:
- now/ at present/ at this time/ at the moment.
            * Các động từ có tận cùng là: ‘e’ ta phải bỏ ‘e’  trước khi thêm ING
                                                Come   -  Coming
            * Một số động từ có tận cùng là: ie’ phải chuyển thành ‘y’ trước khi thêm đuôi ‘ing’:
                                                Lie   -   Lying
*  Nhân đôi phụ âm cuối khi động từ kết thúc bằng: Phụ âm - Nguyên âm - Phụ âm
( dùng cho động từ một âm tiết, hai âm tiết thì trọng âm phải ở âm tiết thứ hai )
( getting, running, having, writing, dying, lying,…)
                 *  Một số động từ thường hay không sử dụng ở dạng hiện tại tiếp diễn: be/ see/ hear/ understand/ know/ like/ want/ glance/ feel/ think/ smell/ love/ hate/ realize/ seem/ remember/ forget/………( ta thay thể bằng thì hiện tại đơn )
Exercise: Give the correct verb form with the present progressive
1. She’s tired. She ( want ) to go home now.
2. Tom ( plant ) the trees in the garden at the moment?
3. What you ( do ) now?
4. Listen ! someone ( knock ) on the front door.
5. He ( write ) a novel at present.
6. They ( watch ) T.V at present?               - No. They ( listen ) to the radio
7. He and I ( play ) soccer at the moment.
8. Tom and I ( be ) busy at the moment.
9. They ( see ) a movie at the moment.
10. We ( want ) to go to school at the moment.
III. The simple future tense:
1. The form:      
                             (+)  S + will  + V (infinitive without ‘to’)
                             (-)  S +  will not (won’t) + V(infinitive without ‘to’)
                             (?)  Will + S + V(infinitive without ‘to’)?    
                                      Shall + I/ We + V(infinitive without ‘to’) ?
2. The usage:
- Để diễn tả hành động sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai không có dự định từ trước.
Ex: She will visit me next week
      Lan and Mai will come here tomorrow.
- Diễn tả lời đề nghị, lời yêu cầu, lời hứa, một dự đoán không chắc chắn.
Ex: Will you open the door? – Ok/Sure…
       He promises. He will learn harder.    
3. Notes:
* The recognition:
-  tomorrow, tonight, this evening, next week/ month/ year/……. 
Exercise: Give the correct verb form with the Simple Future
1. I (go) to the zoo tomorrow.
2. They (publish) a book next year.
3. Where you (spend ) your holiday next year?
4. I am 13 years old. Next year I ( be ) 14.
5. You (not / go)  to the movies next Sunday.
6. It (take) Lan 5 minutes to go to school next year.
7. Mrs. Lan ( take ) Minh to the dentist next times.
8. He and I ( play ) soccer tomorrow morning.
9. They ( meet ) their friends next Christmas?
10. I (be) twenty years old next June.
11. There ( be ) sunny next Sunday.
12. You ( do ) the exercises  tomorrow evening?
IV. The Simple past tense.
1.  The form: (cấu trúc)
                                     ( + ) S + V(ed/2) + O
                                     ( -  ) S + didn’t + V(base form) + O
                                    ( ? ) Did + S + V(base form)+ O ?

2. The usage: ( Cách sử dụng)
Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ và đã chấm rứt không còn liên hệ tới hiện tại
Ex: I called him last night
3. Signal
Trong câu thường xuất hiện các trạnh từ sau thi câu đó phải chia ở thì quá khứ đơn giản : yesterday, ago, last …, when I was young , when + s  + was/were (a) child/children ….
V. The past progressive tense:
1.  The form: (cấu trúc)
  ( + ) S + was/ were + V(-ing) + O
                                      ( -  ) S + + was/ were + not + V(-ing) + O
                                     ( ? ) was/ were + S + V(-ing) + O ?

    2. The usage: ( Cách sử dụng)
- Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
Ex: I was watching TV at 8 last night.
- Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì có một hành động khác xen vào, hành động xen vào đó được chia ở thì quá khứ đơn giản. Trong câu thường có when hoặc while.
Ex: When I was having dinner, he came.
- Diễn tả 2 hay nhiều hành động cùng song song xảy ra.
Ex: While I was watching TV, my father was reading books.
1. Pronunciation of ending “ed”:  Put the following verbs into three groups:
wanted, played, helped, fitted, liked, watched, visited, looked, needed, remembered, stopped, talked, rented, missed, studied, started, used, learned(v), nacked, changed, stayed, learned(adj), rugged
2. Choose the best answer.
1. I (met/was meeting) a friend while I (did/was doing)the shopping.
2. I (turned/was turning) round and (saw/was seeing) Paula.
3. She (wore/was wearing) a bright red coat when I saw her.
4. I (paid/was paying) for my things when I (heard/was hearing) call my name.
5. We (left/was leaving) the cafe and (said/was saying) goodbye.
6. This time last month we (took/were taking) the final test.
7. While we (had/were having) a drink, a waiter (dropped/was dropping) a pile of plates.
8. When I (came/was coming), he (read/was reading) books.
3. Correct form of the verbs
1. The doorbell (ring) while Tom (watch) TV.
2. How fast you (drive) when the accident (happen)?
3. Ann and Susan (make) dinner when Martin (arrive) home.
4. The light (go) out when we (have) dinner, but it (come) on again after about ten minutes.
5. It suddenly (begin) to rain while Laura (sit) in the garden.
6. What you (do) this time yesterday? -  I (work) on the computer.
7. It (be) cold when we (leave) the house that day, and a slight snow (fall)
8. When I last (see) them they (try) to find a new house near their work.
9. I (walk) along the street when I suddenly (feel) something hit me in the back. I (not/know) what it was.
10. When we (drive) down the hill, a strange object (appear) in the sky.
11. What (you/do) this time yesterday? I was asleep.
12. When we came, he (read) books.
13. I (see) Sue in town yesterday but she (not see) me. She (look) the other way.
14. I(meet)Tom and Ann at the airport a few week ago. They (go) to Berlin and I (go)to Madrid. We (have)a chat while we(wait) for our flight.
15. I (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man (step )out into the road in front of me. I (go)quite fast but luckily I (manage) to stop in time and (not/hit)  him.
16. Jane (wait) for me when I (arrive)
17. (you/ go) out last night ? No, I was too tired.
18. John (take) a photograph of me while I (not/look)
19. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last (see)him, he(try)to find a job in London
20. I (walk)along the street when suddenly I (hear)footsteps behind me. Somebody (follow) me. I was frightened and I (start)to run.
VI. The present perfect: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành
1.  The form: (cấu trúc)
                           ( + ) S + Have / Has + V(ed/3) + O
                                 ( -  ) S + Have / Has + not + V(ed/3) + O
                                 ( ? ) Have/Has + S + V(ed/3) + O ?
                            - Yes, S + have/ has.
                            - No, S + have/ hasn’t.
2. The usage: ( Cách sử dụng)
-Diễn tả 1 sự việc vừa mới xảy ra.
Ex: She has just arrived at the airport.
      They have begun a new English class recently.
- Diễn tả sự việc xảy ra không nhớ rõ thời gian.
Ex: I have already seen that play.
      Have you ever been to New York?
      He has not repaired his car yet?
- Diễn tả một sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và còn liên quan đến hiện tại
Ex: I have lived in HCMC since 2004.
      I have lived in HCMC for 4 years.
3. Signal
Just, since, for, recently, yet, never, ever, already, before, so far, it’s the first/ second time…, up to now, up to the present, till now(cho tới bây giờ), all + TTSH + life.
* Vị trí của các từ:    - Just, never, ever, already đứng ngay sau have/ has.
                                    - Yet, before đứng cuối câu.
*Notes: yet: chỉ dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi.
For + khoảng thời gian.
Since + mốc thời gian ở quá khứ.
Never: mang nghĩa phủ định.
Exercise1. Complete the sentences using SINCE or FOR
  1. Linda has been the manager of Time ways travel in London ___three years.
  2. I’ve lived in Rome_____ I was two.
  3. Mr. Woods hasn’t been feeling well ____over a month.
  4. Sally and her boyfriend Peter have been going out together____ last winter.
  5. I’ve been waiting ____ a few minutes.
  6. He’s been in Japan ____ 1986.
  7. I haven’t seen you ____ Christmas.
  8. It hasn’t rained here _____ more than a month.
  9. We haven’t bought a new shoes ____ ages.
  10. We’ve been here ____ January.
  11. It has been raining..................lunch time.
  12. My boss has gone away .............ten days.
  13. I have lived in England...............a year.
  14. She has lived in London.................1985.
  15. Please hurry up ! We have been waiting hour.
  16. I have known her...............January.
  17. Nam’s father has worked in this company .................20 years.
  18. Have you learned English.........a long time?
  19. I haven’t seen Tom................Monday.
  20. This house is very dirty. We haven’t cleaned it .............ages
Exercise2. Put the verbs into the present perfect tense
  1. I (live) here since 1970
  2. He (study) English for three years
  3. They (come) here many times
  4. He (already read) these books
  5. She (just visit) us
  6. I (ever see) this cartoon
  7. You (ever talk) to her?
  8. He( have) lunch yet?
  9. We (not see) her parents yet
  10. His sister (work) for this company since 1995
  11. They (build) those building recently
  12. I (not be) successful so far
  13. Up to now he (win) the prize
  14. It’s the second time he (visit) the USA
  15. I (not live) here since he (be) a child
  16. This is the nicest restaurant I (ever see)
  17. The doctor (be) here since 8 o’clock
  18. It (rain) yesterday after it (be) dry for many month
  19. We (already choose) the new person for the job
  20. You (pay) the taxi-driver yet?
Exercise3. Write in correct English:
  1. I have lived in Ho Chi Minh City since twenty five years.
  1. They haven’t saw such a terrible fire before.
  1. the house was cleaned up since we left for Nha Trang.
  1. The International Olympic Games continued without interrupt since 1896.
  1. We didn’t try hard enough since the second semester.
  1. I have known this singer since she has been 16 year old.
  1. People enjoyed Beethoven’s music for nearly 200 years.
  1. The boy played soccer since 2 o’clock.
  1. All my classmates knew each other quite well since they were in grade 6.
  1. These dancers performed that ballet quite well many times.
  1. When we visited my friends, they had dinner with their children.
  1. My father watered the flowers when it was started raining.
  1. Lan has met her old friends two days ago.
  1. Phong didn’t see that film before.
  1. The girls participated in that project twice.
  1. people speak English in Australia for a long time.
  1. Her father worked in that hospital since he has moved to this city.
  1. His sister played piano since she was eight.
  1. They didn’t see each other for a long.
  1. The girls have finished their project two days ago.

Những mẫu câu quan trọng khi viết lại câu ở thì HTHT & QKĐG

                                        + to V........         ago
1. S + started / began
                                 +V-ing.........    in, when
à S + have /has + p.p +  .........
2. This is the first time...+ S + have/has +p.p/V3..........
à S + have/ has + not /never + p.p/V3............before.
                                                   in + năm
3. S + last + Ved/ V2 +..........   when + mệnh đề
                                                   khoảng thời gian + ago
à The last time + S + Ved/c2 +.......+ was + in.... / .....ago.
à It’s + năm / khoảng tg + since + S + (last) V(ed/V2)...........
à S + haven’t / hasn’t + p.p/V3...........for / since.............
4. When + did + S + V(bare inf)..........?
à How long ago + did + S + V(bare inf)..........?
à How long + have/has +S + p.p/V3.......?
    When + did + S + last + V(bare inf).......?
àHow long is it + Since + S + last + ved/c2.........?
  • Note: have/has been to + went to
Exercise1. Rewrite sentences so that the meaning stay the same:
1. We haven’t been to the concert for over a year.
            The last time ………………………………………………………………………
2. We last saw our grandfather two years ago.
            We haven’t …………………………………………………………………………
3. I have never read such a romantic story.
            This is ………………………………………………………………………………
4. It’s nearly twenty years since my father saw my uncle.
            My father ………………………………………………………………………
5. He hasn’t been back to his village for over 20 years.
            It’s …………………………………………………………………………………
6. The journey to the village was very interesting to the boys.
            We haven’t …………………………………………………………………………
7. The last time we went to a cinema was two years ago.
            We haven’t ………………………………………………………………………
8. The last time we saw him was on Monday.
Exercise2. Supply the correct verb tense:
  1. The coffee was all right, but the cream (be)…………………..sour.
  2. He has a piano and a violin, but he (not have)………….a flute.
  3. He says that he (arrive)……………..on time tomorrow.
  4. She said that she (arrive)…………..on time yesterday.
  5. I think that Victor (be)……………late.
  6. He said that he (graduate)……………….from university in 1991.
  7. We thought they (move)……………to California.
  8. The teacher said that water (consist) …………………. of hydrogen and oxygen.
  9. I (be)……….there when you arrive.
  10. They were still waiting when I ( get)……………..there.
  11. He has worked very hard since he ( be)………………here.
  12. We have just come in when you (call)…………..
  13. We’ll have already gone before you (get )……………back.
  14.  We decided to go home because it ( be )…………….very late.
  15. We have been very busy while they ( be)…………
  16. I haven’t seen him since he (arrive)…………..
  17. The teacher gave us too many assignments, that we (cannot)………go to the concert.
  18. It was such a beautiful day that I (feel)……….like taking a walk.
  19. He works on Sundays so that he (can)………earn money to pay his tuition.
  20. I (be)……………… busy since we last met.
  21. I’m very fond of Jane but I (not see)……………….much of her lately.
  22. There (be)……… guests at all since I left?
  23. I never(see)………….anyone more beautiful than your wife.
  24. I (meet)………………..your husband this afternoon at the station.
  25. He solved the problem more quickly than I (do)………….
  26. This one of the best books that I (ever read)………………….
  27. She has already telephoned the people who (come)………tomorrow.
  28. I’ll never forget the kindness that you (show)………………m
1. Future wish: (Ước muốn ở tương lai)
S1  + wish(es)    + S2 + would/ could + V(inf) + O.
If only + S + would/ could + V(inf) + O
* Ex:  I wish I would be an astronaut in the future.
- If only I would take the trip with you next Sunday.
2. Unreal present wish (Ước muốn không có thật ở hiện tại)
Ex: I dont’t have a car and Ireally like it.
  • I wish I had a car.
Form:     S1  + wish(es)    + S2 + V- ed      +  O                                  Were + Adj / N
Note: Tobe dùng Were cho tất cả các ngôi                                         Could + V (inf)
Ex:  I wish I were rich  (but I am poor now)
3. Unreal past wish: ( Ước muốn không có thật ở quá khứ)
* Form:
 S1  + wish(es)    + S2 +  had  + V- ed (V3)  + O
 S1  + wish(es)  + S2 could have  + V- ed (V3) + O
Ex :- I wish I hadn’t failed my exam last year. ( I failed my exam )
Exercise 1. Use the correct verb form:
    1. I wish I ………………. one twin sister like my friend Sally. (have)
    2. My parents wish they …………………. to the beach this weekend. (go)
    3. I’m fed up with the rain. I wish it …………………. (stop)
    4. Jimmy wishes he ………………. old enough to drive a car. (be)
    5. I wish I ……………………. go to the moon for a vacation. (can)
    6. I wish you …………………………… all the time. (not complain)
    7. He wished he …………………. harder during the examination. (work)
    8. We wish it …………………… raining now. (not be)
    9. She wishes he ………………… a lie with her. (not tell)
    10. My father wishes I …………………. the entrance 10 next month. (pass)
    11. She wishes her father …………… here to help her now. (be)
Exercise 2. Write sentences beginning with I wish :
    1. I haven’t got much money. à I wish ………………………………………..………..……
    2. She’d like to be far away from house. à I wish ……………………………..………….…
    3. Francisco lives a long way away.  à I wish …………………………………………….…
    4. I have to practice the piano every day. à I wish …………………………….………….…
    5. I’m very bad at math. à I wish ………………………………………………………....….
    6. Daniel doesn’t live in the center of town.  à Daniel wishes ………………………….……
    7. I don’t know how to repair the car. à I wish ……………………………………...….……
    8. It rains here every day. à I wish …………………………………..………………….……
    9. Nicholas is sorry he smashed up his car.  à Nicholas wishes…………………………...…
    10. The snow won’t stop until tomorrow. à I wish ………………………………………....…
    11. I am not lying on a beach in the Caribbean. à I wish ……………………………….….…
    12. I don’t have time to go around the city. à I wish ……………………………………….…
    13. My friend cannot stay with me longer. à I wish …………………………………..………
    14. I don’t know many English words. à I wish ……………………………………….…..…
15. She doesn’t send me her recent photos. à She wishes………………………………………

Type 1: Real conditional sentences (câu điều kiện có thật hiện tại hoặc tương lai)
If Clause Main Clause
If + S + V(simple present)
S + Vs/es
Be= is, am, are
S + will/can/may/must + Vo
Main clause: Có thể là câu mệnh lệnh.
Ex: If I have the money, I will buy a new car.
       If you meet Lan, tell her to call me.
* Chúng ta có thể dùng “or” thay cho “If …not” nhưng chú ý trước “or” phải là câu mệnh lệnh
Ex: Ì you don’t learn hard, you won’t pass the exam.
à (You must) learn hard or you won’t pass the exam.
* Chúng ta có thể dùng “unless” thay cho “If …not” nhưng chú ý sau “unless” chúng ta phải chia động từ theo ngôi.
Ex: If he doesn’t come, we will go without him.
àUnless he comes, we will go without him.
* Exercise:
  1. If you put on the kettle I (make) ………………………the tea.
  2. If he (go )…………………on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.
  3. If you come late, they (not let) ……………………… in.
  4. If he (be)……………………….. late, we’ll go without him.
  5. If you  (not like) ……………………………… this one, I’ll bring you another.
  6. Unless I have a quiet room, I (not able)……………………….. to do anything.
  7. She won’t open the door unless she (know) ……………………..who it is.
  8. I’ll (be) …………….very angry if he (make) ……………………any mistakes.
  9. If you (not believe) …………………………..what I say, ask your mother.
  10. We’ll have to move upstairs if the river (rise) ………………….any higher.
Type 2: Present unreal conditional sentences (câu điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại)
If Clause Main Clause
If  +  S  + V (simple past)
(be àwere)
S  +  would/could/ might/ had to  +  V
Ex: I don’t have free time, so we can’t go to the beach with you.
à If I had free time, I could go to the beach with you
* Exercises:
  1. If he knew that it was dangerous he (not) come………………….
  2. If I (win) ……………….a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
  3. If you slept under a mosquito net you (not be)…………………bitten so often.
  4. If you (paint) ………………………the wall white, the room would be much brighter.
  5. If he worked more slowly, he (not make)…………………………. so many mistakes.
  6. He might get fat if he (stop) …………………smoking.
  7. I could get a job easily if I (have)………………….. a degree.
  8.  He (look ) ……………………………a lot better if he shaved more often.
  9. What……. you (do) ……………………..if you found a burglar in your house?
  10. He could get a job easily if he (have) …………………. a degree.
Type 3: Past unreal conditional sentences (câu điều kiện không có thật ở quá khứ)
If Clause Main Clause
If + S + had + pp(Ved/V3) S + would/could/might + have + P.P (V3/ed)
Ex: I didn’t know that you were there, so I didn’t write you a letter.
à If I had known that you were there, I would have written you a letter.
FUnless = If …not
            Ex: If you don’t work hard, you can’t earn enough money for your living.
   = Unless you work hard, you can’t earn enough money for your living.
GCâu điều kiện kết hợp loại 2 và loại 3 
Ex: If I hadn’t stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t be so tired now.
Exercise 1. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. They _____________ angry if you didn’t visit them.
A. would be                           B. should be                 C. would                          D. should
2.   What would you do if you _____________ a million dollars?
A. win                                     B. won                           C. had won                      D. will win
3.   What will happen if the air _____________?
A. was polluted                     B. be polluted              C. is polluted                   D. has polluted
4.   He wouldn’t have had an accident if he _____________ more carefully.
A. drives                                B. drove                        C. had driven                  D. was driving
5.   If you _____________ better last night, you wouldn’t have been so tired.
A. sleep                                  B. had slept                  C. was sleeping               D. slept
6.   If I had noticed him, I _____________ hello to him .
A. say                                     B. said                           C. would say                   D. would h
8. If I____________ his address, I  would give it to you.
A know                                  B. would known          C. knew                            D. had known
9. If you____________ time, please write to me.
A. have                                   B. had                            C. have had                     D. has
10. I shouldn’t go there at night if I ____________ you.
A. am                                      B. was                            C. be                                 D. were
11. If I ____________ get a pole, I will go fishing.
A. can                                     B. could                        C. may                              D. might
12. If you had the chance, ____________ you go fishing?
A. did                                     B. may                           C. would                          D. do
13. If you ____________ a choice, which country would you visit?
A. have                                   B. had                            C. have had                     D. will have
14. Trees won’t grow____________ there is enough water.
A. if B. when                         C. unless                       D. as
15. ____________ she agreed, you would have done it.
A. if B. had                            C. should                      D. would
16. If I had taken that English course, I____________ much progress.
A. had made                          B. would have made   C. made                            D. would make
17. If I were in your place, I____________ a trip to England.
A. will make                          B. had made                 C. would make                D. made
18. You ____________disappointed if there ____________no snow for this winter holiday?
A. Would be / was                B.  will be / is               C.  will be / are                D. could be / is
19. If she ____________yesterday, she would come here with us tomorrow night.
A. finished it                         B. finishes it                 C. had finished it            D. has finished it
20. If I ____________for an accounting firm, I would be working in a post-office.
A. wasn't working                 B.  worked                    C. hadn't worked            D. weren't working

21. What would you have done if you ____________a lot of money?
A. had                                     B. will                            C. had had                       D. have had
22. If we had known that you were there, we____________ you a letter.
A. would write                      B. would have write    C. would have written   D. had written
23. If we had checked the petrol before we started, we ____________here.
A. wouldn't stop                   B. wouldn't have stopped  C. would have stopped         D. would stop
24. “Did he study yesterday?”  “No, but if he ____, he would have done better on today’s test.”
A. had                                     B. has                            C. will study                    D. had done
25. My sister ____________you the technique of weaving if you ask her.
A. would show                      B.  shows                      C. will show                    D. showed
26. She would be happy if we ____________her a bunch of flowers.
A. had sent                            B. sent                           C. would send                 D. send
27. If you don’t feel well, you_____________ better take a rest.
A. are                                      B. would                       C. had                               D. have
28. What would you have done if you _____________ a lot of money?
A. had                                     B. had had                    C. have had                     D. have
29. I’ll be very disappointed if you _____________ the exam.
A. don’t pass                         B. won’t pass               C. aren’t passing             D. wouldn’t pass
30. If he _____________ harder, the results would be better.
A. has worked                       B. works                        C. will work                     D. worked
31. If I had had free time, I _____________ shopping.
A. would have gone             B. can go                       C. will go                         D. will have gone
32. _____________  if you take the map with you.
A. You will get lost              B. You won’t get lost C. You get lost                D. You got lost
33. If you had come to the party, you _____________ her.
A. would meet                       B. had met                    C. would have met         D. met
34. I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I _____________ to bed now.
A. go                                       B. went                          C. had gone                     D. would go
35. If I were you, I _____________ that shirt. It’s much too expensive.
A. won’t buy                         B. don’t buy                 C. am not going to buy D. wouldn’t buy
36. I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I _____________ so tired.    
A. wasn’t                               B. weren’t                     C. wouldn’t have been D. hadn’t been
37. What will I do if no one _____________ me at the airport?
A. meet                                   B. will meet                  C. meets                           D. met
38. Jean gets very agitated if her daughter _____________ her once a week.
A. doesn't ring                       B. didn't ring                C. not ring                        D. don't ring
39. If the train is late, we_____________ to the office.
         A. walk                          B. will walk                  C. would walk                 D. walks
40. She _____________if she has time.
         A. calls                          B. would call                C. will call                       D. calling
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in to the correct forms:
  1. If he (eat)......................................... all that, he will be ill.
  2. She could give us some advice if she (be)............................................ here now.
  3. What (happen)........................................... if my parachute does not open?
  4. The baby (wake)  ....................................... up if you spoke louder.      
  5. If I (know) ..............................................the answer, I would tell you.
  6. You (not have).............................. so many accidents if you drove more carefully.
  7. If Peter (ask)............................................ me, I’ll help him with all my ability.
  8. If she studied harder, she (get)................................................... better grades.
  9. If I (be)................................. you, I (tell) ....................................... them the truth.
  10. Lee will go to a Disneyland if he (save) ………………………… enough money.
  11. If you (do)........................... as I told you, you (succeed).......................................
  12.  I (not go).......................................... to his house unless you go with me.
  13. We could have a drink if it............................................. (not be) so late.          
  14. Please don’t disturb him if he (be).............................................. busy.
  15. If ice (be)........................ heavier than water, it (not float)....................................
Exercise 3  : Rewrite the following sentences using If clauses.
Model :
a/ My brother will have enough money. He will buy a bicycle.
® If my brother has enough money, he will buy a bicycle.
b/ She can’t speak English. She won’t apply for the job.
®  If she could speak English she would apply for the job.
c/ He wasn’t here. He didn’t have a lot of fun.
® If he had been here, he would have had a lot of fun.
1/ She can’t be employed because she doesn’t have a college degree.
® ______________________________________________
2/ I don’t have enough money. I can’t go on a long holiday this year.
® ______________________________________________
3/ He is very slow, so we won’t give his such an important task.
® ______________________________________________
4/ I’ll have to work this Sunday, so I shan’t join your picnic.
® ______________________________________________
5/ He works overtime to get more money because he has to pay father’s debt.
® ______________________________________________
6/ City life isn’t enjoyable because everything is very expensive.
® ______________________________________________
7/ Everything on the earth grows well because the sun always shines.
® ______________________________________________
8/ I don’t have a typewriter. I can’t type it myself.
® ______________________________________________
9/ I’ll buy a new hat. I’ll give it to you.
® ______________________________________________
10/ You’ll ask the teacher. He’ll explain the lesson to you.
® ______________________________________________
11/ Mary doesn’t see the sight. She can’t tell you about that.
® ______________________________________________
12/ I don’t know his address. I can’t give it to you.
® ______________________________________________
13/ He didn’t look a lot better because he didn’t shave more often.
® ______________________________________________
14/ She was ill. She didn’t go to work.
® ______________________________________________
15/ It was raining all morning. We didn’t go out.
® ______________________________________________
16/ He was tired. He made a mistake.
® ______________________________________________
1- General rule:
Affirmative statement, negative tag-question?
Negative statement, affirmative tag-question?
Ex: Your brother likes watching foreign films, doesn’t he?
Mary has never been late for class, has she?
2- Some exceptions:
a. Let’s …, shall we?
Ex: Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
b. Câu mệnh lệnh, đuôi là will you?
 Ex: Open the windows, will you?
c. Dùng they với các S là somebody/one, everybody/one, nobody.
Ex: Somebody came here yesterday, didn’t they?
d. Dùng it với các S là nothing, everything, something…
Ex: Everything will be all right, won’t it?
e. Dùng aren’t I với I am; am not vơi am I
Ex: I am always on time for class, aren’t I?
f. Dùng there với S là there
Ex: There won’t be any problem, will there?
Add a correct question tag to each sentence:
  1. You aren't afraid of snakes…………?
  2. Ann isn't at home……………… ……? 
  3. You don't know French………………?
  4. Tom didn't see her……………………?
  5. This isn't yours………………………?
  6. Mary wasn't angry……………………?
  7. Bill hasn't had breakfast………………?
  8. You won't tell anyone…………………?
  9. I didn't wake you up…………………?
  10. Tom doesn't like oysters………………?
  11. You don't want to sell the house……?
  12. It doesn't hurt…………………………?
  13. People shouldn't drink and drive…………………?
  14. You aren't going alone………………?
  15. They couldn't pay the rent……………?
  16. You don't agree with Bill……………?
  17. There wasn't a lot to do……………?
  18. I needn't say anything………………?
  19. That wasn't Ann on the phone……………………?
  20. You didn't do it on purpose…………………………?
  21. This won't take long…………………?
  22. She doesn't believe you……………?
  23. It didn't matter very much……………?
  24. Mary couldn't leave the children alone..?
  25. You aren't doing anything tonight………?

1/ AT:
* Cho thời gian : - at 4 c’clock/5 p.m/night/Christmas/Easter/once(ngay lập tức)/the moment/present/weeken.
* Cho nơi chốn : - at home/the seaside/school/the corner of the street/the top/the beginning/the end/
2/ IN:
Cho thời gian :
  • Buổi : (trừ at night) in the morning, in the afternoon..
  • Tháng : in June, in May
  • Năm : in 1990
  • Mùa : in spring, in summer ..
  • In time (đúng giờ)
* Cho nơi chốn :
- in (ở trong) in the box, in the living roon…
- in đứng trước các thành phố, đất nước, miền, phương hướng .. in London, in Viet Nam, in the East …
* Cho thời gian:
- on được dùng trước thứ (ngày trong tuần) on Sunday, on Monday…
- on được dùng đứng trước ngày tháng  on June 10th
- on time (đúng giờ-chính xác)
* Cho nơi chốn :
- on (ở trên) there is a book on the table
- on foot, on the radio, on TV, on the beach …
  • By được dùng trong câu bị động (có nghĩa là bởi)
  • By được dùng để chỉ phương tiện đi lại by bike, by car …
  • By the time (trước khi), by chance (tình cờ), learn by heart (học thuộc lòng)

  • thường đi sau theo động từ GO go to (đi đến)
  • lưu ý: Go home
- into (vào trong) được dung sau các động từ GO, PUT, GET, FALL(ngã) JUMP(nhảy), COME ….
- Out of (ra khoỉ) he comes out of the house
8/WITH : (với)
9/UNDER: (ở dưới)
II. PREPOSITIONS FOLLOWING ADJECTIVES (Giới từ theo sau các tính từ)
1/ OF :
  • ashamed of (xấu hổ về ) – afraid of (sợ, e sợ ..) – aware of (nhận thức) – capable of (có khả năng) – confident of (tin tưởng) – doubtful of (nghi ngờ) – fond of (thích) – full of (đầy), hopeful of(hy vọng) – independent of (độc lập) – proud of (tự hào) – jealous of (ghen tị) – guitly of (có tội) – sick of (chán ngấy) – joyful of (vui mừng) – quick of (nhanh chóng về)
  • acceptable to(có thể chấp nhận) – accustomed to(quen với) – addicted to (đam mê) – delightful to(thú vị đối với ai) – familiar to sb(quen thuộc với ai) – clear to(rõ dàng) – contrary to(trái lập) – similar to(giống,tương tự) - …
3/ FOR:
  • late for (trễ) – famous for (nổi tiếng) – necessary for (cần thiết) – greedy for (tham lam) – perfect for (hoàn hảo) – suitable for (phù hợp) – sorry for (xin lỗi) – good for (tốt cho) – useful for (có ích) – ready for (sẵn sàng) – convinient for (thuận lợi) – responsible for (chịu trách nhiệm)…
4/AT :
  • good at(giỏi về) – bad at(kém về) – clever at(khéo léo) – skilful at (có kĩ năng) – quick at (nhanh) – amazed at(ngạc nhiên) – amused at(vui về) – excellent at(xuất xắc về) – present at(hiện diện) – surprised at (ngạc nhiên) – angry at(giận về điều gì) – annoy at(khó chịu về)….
5/WITH :
  • bored with(chán) – fed up with(chán)  - busy with(bận) – crowded with (đông đúc) – angry with (giận dữ) – friendly with (thân mật) – acquainted with (làm quen) – popular with (phổ biến) – satisfied with (thỏa mãn )- …
  • excited about(hào hứng về) – happy about(hạnh phúc về) – sad about(buồn) – serious about (nghiêm túc) – upset about(buồn) – worried about(lo lắng) – anxious about(lo lang) – disappointed about(thất vọng) – confused about (bối dối)…
7/ IN :
  • Interested in(quan tâm đến) – rich in(giàu về) – successful in(thành công) – confident in (tin cậy vào ai)….
8/ FROM :
- isolated from(bị cô lập) – absent from(vắng mặt) – different from(khác) – far from(xa) – safe from(an toàn) – divorced from(ly dị)
 9/ON: keen on (hăng hái về)

Lưu ý: sau giới từ thường dùng V_ing hoặc N
PREPOSITIONS FOLLOWING VERBS (Giới từ theo sau các động từ)
  • arrive at/in/on                   : tới nơi nhỏ/to…
  • apologize to sb for sth/V-ing    : xin lỗi ai về                                    
  • arrive in                            : tới nơi lớn                                      
  • wait for sb                        : chờ đợi
  • admire sb of sth               : khâm phục ai về                           
  • change/turn into               : hóa ra
  • belong to sb                      : thuộc về ai                        
  • insist on                            : khăng khăng
  • accuse sb of sth               : tố cáo ai                   
  • join/take part/participate in: tham gia vào
  • blame sb for sth               : đổ lỗi cho ai                                             
  • escape from : thoát khỏi
  • congratulate sb on sth    : chúc mừng ai về
  • introduce to                      : giới thiệu ai với ai
  • give up                              : từ bỏ
  • look at                               : nhìn
  • look after                          : chăm sóc
  • look for                             : tìm kiếm
  • look forward to                : mong đợi
  • put on                                 : mang vào, mạc vào
  • put off                               : hoãn lại  
  • stand for                           : tượng trưng
  • call of                               : hủy bỏ
  • object to + V-ing                        : phản đối
  • infer from                        : suy ra từ
  • participate in                   : tham gia
  • succeed in                       : thành công
  • prevent sb from              : ngăn cản
  • provide with                    : cung cấp
  • agree with                        : đồng ý
  • beg for                              : van nài cho
  • borrow sth from sb         : mượn cái gì của ai
  • depend on                        : phụ thuộc vào
  • die of                                : chết vì bệnh tật
Exercise1: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions of time
    1. He was born in a small village ___ 1957
    2. Tell me where you were ___ Friday,27 October
    3. He used to work as a fashion designer ___ 1960 and 1970
    4. ___1785___1790, the capital of the US was located in New York city
    5. Author Susan Glaspell won a Pulitzer prize ___ 1931 for her play Alison’s house
    6. He goes to his office every day except Sunday. ____ Sunday he stays at home and works in his garden.
    7. I’m returning to England ____ the end of this term.
    8. He started going to school ____ the age of now he’s been in school ___ ten years.
    9. ____ first I found the work very tiring, but ___ a few weeks I got used to it.
    10. I’m going to Paris ___ Monday morning with Tom.
    11. Children get presents ____ Christmas and ___ their birthday.
    12. Children are very fond of swimming ____ the summer.
    13. My father works ____ 7am____5pm.
    14. _____ my birthday there will be a party ____7pm and 10 pm.
    15.  _______years afterwards, people still remember that terrible now.
    16. They arrived ___ 3 o’clock yesterday.
    17. I’ve been waiting for her ____half past six.
    18. I watched TV ____9____12 last night.
    19. He lived in Paris ____ three years.
    20. She’ll be at home ____ Friday morning.
    21. Our football season often begins_____ August every year.
    22. _____ the end of the holiday, I needed another holiday.
    23. We met ____ Easter day and went for a walk across the hills.
    24. The church was built ____ 1910.
    25. Tom and Peter came here _____ the same time.
 Exercise2: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:
  1. Translate this article ............English for me, please.
  2. You remind me sister.
  3. We can see many stars .............the sky at night.
  4. Children like to go to the circus ............Sunday.
  5. Who is talking ............the phone, my dear?
  6. When I saw Lan. She was talking ............a friend ............hers.
  7. My wife has been ............Ho Chi Minh city several times
  8. he is very interested
  9. Do you go to school or ............foot.
  10. She is good ............English.
  11. They have only been there ............. a few minutes.
  12. The canoe overturned and everyone fell ............the deep water.
  13. Do you mind if I sit ..........the front seat .............the car?
  14. Donna is thinking ...........importing flowers ............Vietnam.
  15. Would you mind if I had a look .............your luggage?
  16. How ..........going to Ben Thanh Market this afternoon?
  17. You can use dictionary to find words
  18. They are very proud ..........their new house.
  19. They named their daughter ............their favorite singers.
  20. The passage is written ...............English
  21. I'll come pick her 8 o'clock
  22. Mrs. Lan called ..........her newspaper delivery.
  23. He worked very hard and finally came ...........  ...........a very important invention
  24. I couldn’t meet Mrs. Chi because she's ..............
  25. Tam had high marks ...........exams ..........working very hard
  26. To be remember of our organization, you can register
  27. That's very kind to help me ............this math problem.
  28. It has rained ..........two o'clock.
  29. Try to learn the meaning of new words ............heart.
  30. Please wait a few minutes.
  31. In this respect, French differs .............English
  32. This restaurant is famous ...............its Chinese dishes.
  33. She enjoys participating ..........raising funds for the poor.
  34. The house is very dirty. We haven't cleaned it .........ages.
  35. My grandmother prefers living in the countryside in the city.
  36. My parents are tired in the city.
  37. She’s looking forward .........seeing her sister.
  38. I’m grateful...........him ...........a wonderful evening.
  39. Thank you ..........advising me not to smoke.
  40. Jackson was late because he was not aware ..........the time.
  41. Mary is sitting ................her father and mother.
  42. She’s looking forward .........seeing her sister.
  43. I’m grateful...........him ...........a wonderful evening.
  44. Thank you ..........advising me not to smoke.
  45. Jackson was late because he was not aware ..........the time.
  46. Mary is sitting ................her father and mother.
  47. Pasteur devoted all his time
  48. Are you jealous ................his success.
  49. He is so busy ..............his work.
  50. They spend much time .............reading books.
  51. They were excited ...............the TV programme.
  52. We buy it ............a low price.
  53. A raincoat keeps you..........being ill.
  54. He asked ............some money.
  55. His teacher believes................his improvement.
  56. Three prisoners escaped ...........the prison in May.
  57. He’s very good ............telling jokes.
  58. Better methods of refrigeration depend ..............engineers.
  59. That’s very kind to help me.
  60. What is the reason..............your absence?
  61. I’m really proud mother.
  62. Did Mr. John succeed................selling his old car?
  63. Measuring money must be very difficult to carry...........
  64. Why did those fellows insist .............doing everything themselves?
  65. The teacher divided the class .............two groups.
  66. We will provide you .............plastic bags.
  67. We're afraid to say that we don’t agree ........your project. It causes many bad things ......environment.
  68. Tom's parents was disappointed ..........him because he failed final test.
  69. Take an umbrella with you. It will save you ........getting wet on the way home.
  70. The boys keeps .......asking his father ..........protecting the environment.
  71. The street are full ......garbage.
  72. We are all responsible .........keeping the environment clear and clean.
  73. There’s no point ...............arguing.
  74. She’s famous ...............her intelligence.
  75. if you earn a good salary, you can be independent ...........your parents.
  76. She was quite satisfied ..........your answer.
  77. This story is similar ................that one.
  78. He often borrows money...............his friends.
I. Phrase and clause of concession:
1. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ thường được giới thiệu bằng: Although / Though / Even though
Though           + Clause   (S + V …) , Clause ( S+V+…)
Even though
Even if

Ex1: He was lazy. He passed the test.
 -> Although he was lazy, he passed the test.
  Ex2: We had a picnic. The weather was bad.
 -> We had a picnic though the weather was bad.
2. Mệnh đề chỉ sự nhượng bộ có thể được rút gọn thành cụm từ chỉ sự nhượng bộ bởi các giới từ: despite, in spite of                         
                                                      + noun phrase((the) TTSH/ Adj+N- trong câu có thành phần

              Despite / In spite of        để chuyển đổi: AdvàAdj; ĐTNXàTTSH, VàN, AdjàN) 
                                                      + V-ing (khi 2 vế câu cùng chủ ngữ)
                                                      + (the)N (khi mệnh đề chính chỉ có N hoặc AdjàN)
                                                      + the fact that + S + V
Ex1: Although she was sad, she managed to smile.
        àIn spite of her sadness, she managed to smile.
        à In spite of being sad, she managed to smile.
 Ex2: Although there were many people there, they couldn’t rescue him.
        àDespite many people there, they couldn’t rescue him.
II. Phrase and clause of reason:
1. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân được giới thiệu bằng: Because/as/since
As            + Clause   (S + V …), Clause ( S+V+…)

Ex1: He was lazy, so he failed the test.
 -> Because/As/Since he was lazy, he failed the test.
Ex2: We didn’t have a picnic. The weather was bad.
 -> We didn’t have a picnic because the weather was bad.
2. Mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân có thể được rút gọn dùng các cụm từ: because of , owing to, due to                       
                                                      + noun phrase((the) TTSH/ Adj+N- trong câu có thành phần

 Because of , Owing to, Due to      để chuyển đổi: AdvàAdj; ĐTNXàTTSH, VàN, AdjàN) 
                                                      + V-ing (khi 2 vế câu cùng chủ ngữ)
                                                      + (the)N (khi mệnh đề chính chỉ có N hoặc AdjàN)
 Ex1: Because/As/Since he was lazy, he failed the test.
  • Because of his laziness, he failed the test.
  • He failed the test due to his laziness/ being lazy.
Ex2: We didn’t have a picnic because the weather was bad.
  • We didn’t have a picnic because of the bad weather.
Ex3: Because there is Covid desease-19 outside, we don’t go on holiday.
  • Because of Covid desease-19 outside, we don’t go on holiday.
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer :
  1.  _____it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat.
A. In spite                  B. In spite of              C. However               D. Although
  1. _____he wasn’t feeling very well; Mr. Graham went to visit his aunt as usual.
A. Although               B. However               C. Therefore              D. Still
  1.  He was offered the job______ his qualifications were poor.
A. despite                  B. in spite of              C. even though          D. Whereas
  1.  ______ we were in town, we often met him.
A. For                                     B. Although               C. So                           D. When
  1. She didn’t get the job ____ she had all the necessary qualifications.
A. because                 B. although                C. so                           D. but
  1. I could not eat ____ I was very hungry.
A. even though         B. in spite                  C. despite                   D. in spite the fact that
  1.  In pite _____, the baseball game was not cancelled.
A. the rain                  B. of the rain                         C. it was raining        D. there was a rain
  1.  ______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
A. In spite                  B. In spite of              C. Despite                  D. Although
  1.  ______, he walked to the station.
A. Despite tired        B. In spite being tired C. Although to be tired D. Despite being tired The children slept well, despite _____.
A. it was noise          B. the noise               C. of the noise           D. noisy
  1.  She left him __________ she still loved him.
A. even if                   B. even though          C. in spite of              D. despite
  1. _______ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.
A. In spite                  B. Even though         C. in spite of              D. despite of
  1. _______ they are brothers, they do not look like.
A. Although               B. Even                      C. Despite                  D. In spite of
  1. We are concerned with the problem of energy resources ____ we must think of our environment.
A. despite                  B. though                   C. as though              D. but
Exercise 2: Rewrite these sentences, using BECAUSE / BECAUSE OF:
  1. Because I am sick, I do not go out. à Because of ……………………………………………
  2. Because the water is polluted, we can’t swim in that river.
    • Because of ……………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Because Nga has had a sore leg, she had difficulty in walking.
    • Because of ……………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Because he behaved badly, he found himself in trouble.
    • Because of ……………………………………………………………………………………
  5. Because it was snowing, we didn’t go out for a walk.
    • Because of ……………………………………………………………………………………
  6. Because of his good looks, he is popular with many girls.
    • Because ………………………………………………………………………………………
  7.  Because of his serious sickness, he couldn’t come to the class.
    • Because ………………………………………………………………………………………
  8. Because of too much exhaust fume, people have to wear gauze masks in the streets.
à Because ………………………………………………………………………………………
Exercise 3. Rewrite these sentences :
  1. The traffic jam made them come to the meeting late.
=> Because………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. Because of the heavy rain, the traffic jam became more serious.
=> Because ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. Although he has a very important job, he isn’t particularly well-paid.
=>In spite of ……………………………………………………………………………………
  1. Although I had never seen her before, I recognized her from a photograph.
=> Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. She wasn’t wearing the coat although it was quite cold.
=>In spite of                 ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. We thought we’d better invite them to the party although we don’t like them very much.
=> Despite                 ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. Although I didn’t speak the language, I managed to make myself understand.
=>In spite of                 ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. Although the heat was on, the room wasn’t warm.
=> Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. I didn’t recognize her although I’d met her twice before.
=>In spite of                 ……………………………………………………………………………………
  1. Mr. Harris often misses the bus because his hours are irregular.
=> Because of ……………………………………………………………………………………
  1. We’re not very good friends although we’ve known each other a long time.
=> Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. Although Minh was ill, he still came to the meeting.
=>In spite of                 ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. The play was not accepted because of numerous objections which they made.
=> Because ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1.  In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.
=> Even though ……………………………………………………………………………………
  1. In spite of his hard work, Ba he failed his exam.
=> Though ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1.  In spite of the heavy rain, we decided to go to see the match.
=> Although                 ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1.  In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends.
=> Though ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. In spite of the bad weather, they went out for dinner.
=> Although                 ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. She isn’t brilliant but she studies quite well.
=> Although                 ………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. The house isn’t nice, but I like the garden.
=> Even though ……………………………………………………………………………………
I. Verb “have”
Active:   S + have (chia theo thì,ngôi) + sb/O(người) + V(bare) + sth/O(vật)
Passive: S + have (chia theo thì,ngôi) + sth/O(vật) + Vpp/V3 +  by + sb/O(người)
Ex1. I had my nephew paint the gate last week.
à  I had the gate painted by my nephew last week.
Ex2. She will have Peter wash her car tomorrow.
à She will have her car washed by Peter tomorrow.   
II. Verb “get”
Active:   S + get (chia theo thì,ngôi) + sb/O(người) + to-V(inf) + sth/O(vật)
Passive: S + get (chia theo thì,ngôi) + sth/O(vật) + Vpp/V3 +  by + sb/O(người)
Ex1. I will get the dressmaker to make a new dress.
à  I will get a new dress made by the dressmaker.
Exercise1. Rewrite these sentences, using Causative Passive Form :
  1. The mother has had her daughter make a dress.
  1. Did you have anyone paint the chair ? ……………………………………………………………………..……….…..…...
  2. The boss has had the servant wash his car. ………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. We have a carpenter make a desk …………………………………………………………………………………..…..
  4. Mrs. Green had had May feed the cat. ……………………………………………………………………………….………
  5. Stepmother had Cinderella separate the rice from the husk.
  1. Please have someone carry my luggage to the airport.
  1. Mr. Kim is going to have a tailor make a new shirt.
  1. She is going to have the shoe-repairman mend her shoes.
  1. Mrs. Smith is going to have an eye-specialist examine her eyes.
Exercise2. Use the correct verb form:
  1. He has his shoes ………………… every day. (shine)
  2. He gets his hair ………………… once a month. (cut)
  3. We shall have those books ……………………… to you. (bring)
  4. Maria had her landlord …………………… the broken windows before winter. (fix)
  5. I’ll get a specialist ……………………… my health. (checkup)
  6. They are going to have their wedding card ………………….. there. (print)
  7. She got the post office ……………………… a telephone in his flat. (install)
  8. Before we leave, let’s have Sally ……………… a map so we wouldn’t get lost. (draw)
  9. She can’t always get her mother …………………… aloud to her. (read)
  10. She can make any dogs …………………… her. (obey)
  11. I called the company to have my telephone …………………… (change)
  12. They are going to have a new school ……………………. (build)
  13. She had a street artist …………………… her portrait. (paint)
  14. She got the dentist …………………… her decaying tooth. (pull out)
  15. To please my son, I had his old bicycle …………………… (repair)
I. THEORY - Lời nói gián tiếp là tường thuật lại ý của người nào đó nói.
  • Cách đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp:
1. Changes in V
Trực tiếp (Direct speech) Gián tiếp (Reported speech)
HTĐ ( is/are/ am) QKĐ (was/were)
HTTD ( is/are/am + V- ing) QKTD(w
s/were + V- ing)
TLĐ ( Will ) TL
rong QK ( Would)
Can Could / be able to
Shall Should
Must Had to/ would have to
Have to Had to
Will Would
May Might

2. Changes in Pro
Ngôi thứ nhất: (I,we, me, mine,us,our) được đổi sang ngôi thứ ba  ( He, She, It,They, him/ her, his/ hers, its, their, them) phù hợp.
Ex: Jane said,” I live in the suburbs”
"  Jane said that she lived in the suburbs.
- Ngôi thứ hai ( You, your, yours ) được đổi theo ngôi của tân ngữ trong mệnh đề tường thuật.
Ex: He said to me,” You can take my book”
"  He said me that I could take his book.
Ngôi thứ ba ( He, She, It, They, him, his, her,them ,their) giữ nguyên( không đổi).
Ex: Mary says,” They come to help the pupils.”
"   Mary said that they came to help the pupils.
3.Changes in Adv of time
Trực tiếp (Direct speech) Gián tiếp (Reported speech)
now then
ago before
today that day
tonight that
tomorrow the next day/ following day
yesterday the day before
last week/month/year the previous week/month/year
next week/month/year the following week/month/year
Ex: - “I’m going now”. He said
   "   He said he was going then.
   - She said “ I was at Hue yesterday”.
   "   She said that she had been at Hue the day before.
4. Changes in Adv of place
Trực tiếp (Direct speech) Gián tiếp (Reported speech)
here there
this that
these those
Ex:-  He said,” Put the books here
      "   He told me to put the books there.
      - Tom said to me,” I’ll meet you this Friday”
     "   He told me that he would meet me that Friday.
II. Command, requests, advice
* Form:
Indirect: S+ told/ordered/asked/advised + (not) to-inf +O
Ex: “ Hurry up, Lan”
"   He told Lan to hurry up.
- “ Shut the door”
"   He ordered them to shut the door.
- “ Don’t leave the room”.
"   He told them not to leave the room.
III. Interrogative
  1. Yes/ No – questions
* Form:
Direct: S+tell/told+“Do/does/was/will/are/is..  +  S  +  V  +  O?”
     => Indirect S + asked/wondered + (O)+ If/ whether + S + V(lùi 1 bậc về QK) + O.
Ex:“ Have you seen that film?” he told her
"   He asked if she had seen that film.
 - “ Will Tom be here tomorrow?.” She told
"   She wondered whether Tom would be there the day after.
2. Wh – questions ( who,what, where, why, when,how much/ many/ long”
* Form:
Direct: S  +  tell/ told  +  “ wh- qs  + ( do/was/will).. .  +  S  + V  +  O?”
     => Indirect: S  + asked/wondered  + (O) + wh – word + S + V(lùi 1 bậc về QK) +  O.
Ex: “ What time does the film begin?.” He asked
"   He asked what time the film began.
  “ What will you do tomorrow?” She asked
"   She asked what I would do the next day.
IV. Statements.
S + said
     said to   +  O +  that   + S  +  V  +  O.


EX1: Change the sentences into reported speech
  1. He said to her, “You are my friend.”
He told her………………………….
  1. Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.”
 Johnny told his mother………………..
  1. “ Don’t come back before one o’clock”, advised my brother.
  My brother advised me……………….
  1. “Cook it in butter”, Mrs Brown said to her daughter.
 Mrs Brown told her daughter……………..
  1. The pupils said “ Teacher, give us better marks, please.”
The pupils asked their teacher……………..
  1. My friend said, “ Are you going to leave tomorrow?”
My friend asked me…………………….
  1. “ Have you done your homework?”, said my mother.
My mother asked me…………………….
  1. I asked Bill,” What time did you go to bed last night?”
I asked Bill……………………………
  1. Paul said, “ I must go home now.”
Paul said that………………………….
  1. “ There is an accident,” said the policeman.
The policeman said that…………………..
  1. “ We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children.
     The children said that………………….
  1. “ Must you go now?”, said Mr Brown.
Mr Brown asked me………………………
  1. “ Are you going to visit your aunt tomorrow?” asked Tom.
    Tom asked………………………………
  1. “ Listen to me and don’t make a noise,”said the teacher to his students.
     The teacher asked his students………….
  1. “ I’m tired of eating fish”, said Mary to Helen.
Mary said to Helen……………………….
EX2. Choose the best answer:
1. “ Would you like a cup of coffee?”, she asked.
a. She asked if I like a cup of coffee.    b. She asked if I would like a cup of coffee.
c. She asked if I liked a cup of coffee.   d. She invited me to have a cup of coffee.
2. “ Did you close the windows when you left?”, ha asked.
            a. He asked me if I closed the windows when I left.
            b. He asked me if I had closed the windows when I left.
            c. He asked me if I closed the windows when I had left.
            d. He asked me if I had closed the windows when I had left.
3.“ What are you going to do this weekend?”, she asked
            a. She wanted to know what I am going to do that weekend.
            b. She wanted to know what I was going to do this weekend.
            c. She wanted to know what I were going to do that weekend.
            d. She wanted to know what I was going to do that weekend.
4.She told me that her mother …… to market when I arrived.
            a. just went    b. had just gone   c. has just gone     d. had just been gone
5. “ Whose book is on my desk?”. The teacher asked us …… .
            a. whose book is on his desk                      b. whose book was on his desk
            c. whose book  on his desk is                     d. whose book on his desk was
6. She asked me to sit next Mary.
            In direct speech, this should be read: “……”, she said.
            a. Please sitting next to Mary.                    b. Next to Mary, please.
            c. Please to sit next to Mary.                      d. Please sit next to Mary.
7. “Who wrote this letter?”, said the teacher. – The teacher ……
a. asked us who had written that letter.    b. asked us who that letter had written.
c. asked us who had written the letter.      d. told to us who had written letter.
8. I asked Lan if …… .
            a. she enjoys her music class.                    b. she will enjoy her music class.
            c. did she enjoy her music class.               d. she enjoyed her music class.
9.“ We always try to please you”. She says to me …… .
    a. we always tried to please me                  b. they always tried to please me.
    c. we always try to please me                     d. they always try to please me.
10. “ Be careful! The paint is wet”, she shouted.
    a. She said be careful because the paint was wet.
    b. She told me be careful because the paint was wet.
    c. She asked me to be careful because the paint is wet.
    d. She told me to be careful because the paint was wet.
11. “Can I make an appointment to see the doctor?”
    a. Jenny asked to see the doctor.              
b. Jenny asked if the doctor could make an appointment.
c. Jenny asked whether she can make an appointment the doctor.
d. Jenny asked if she could make an appointment to see the doctor.
12. “Did they tell you when they left school?”, he said to me.
    In reported speech, this could be read: ……
    a. He asked me if they told me when they left school.
    b. He asked me if they told me when they had left school.
    c. He asked me if they had told me when they left school.
    d. He asked me if they had told me when they had left school.
13. She asked me how old Jimmy was.
    In direct speech, this could be read: ……
  1. She asked, “How old Jimmy was?”
  2. She asked, “How old Jimmy is?”
  3. She asked, “How old was Jimmy?”
  4. She asked, “How old is Jimmy?”
14. “When did your sister arrive?”, he asked.
    a. He asked me when my sister arrived.
    b. He wanted to know when my sister arrived.
    c. He asked me when my sister had arrived.
    d. He wanted to know when had my sister arrived.
15.“ Is he the man who came here yesterday?”. I wanted to know ……
    a. if he is the man who came here yesterday      
b. if he was the man who came here the day before
c. if he was the man who had come here the day before
d. if he was the man who had come there the day before
16.He said to me, “Shut this door, don’t lock it.”- He told me that……
    a. to shut the door, don’t lock it.                b. shut the door, not lock it.
    c. shut the door, don’t lock it.                    d. to shut the door, not to lock it.
17. He told me that ……
    a. he has just finished typing.                     b. he just finished typing.
    c. he had just finished typing                     d. had he just finished typing.
18.He asked me ……to her birthday party the night before.
a. whether I come     b. if I would come    c. whether I had come          d. if I come
19. The man asked me what my name was. He said, “……?”
    a. What your name is                       b. What’s your name          
c. What your name was                   d. What was your name
20.I asked her .
A. does she put B. she put C. did she put D. she puts
21.Nam asked her how far............................from her house to her school
A. is it B. was it C. it was D. it is
22.She asked me......................I smoked .
A. could B. can C. if D. would
23.She asked me whether I ..............................pop music .
A. liked B. like C. could like D. would like
24.She said that she was having a wonderful time ..........................................
A. tomorrow B. there This D. next week
25.Mrs. Hoa said she..............have a new job the following  month.
A. may B. will C. might D. can

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